Pre-Revival Policies and Suggestions


My wife will be traveling with me most of the time. There may be some meetings when I am alone. I will inform you well in advance who is coming so you can prepare lodging. We are very willing to stay in the home with someone in the church. We are also willing to stay in Prophet’s Chambers, RV’s or Motels. Sister Holly is allergic to cats.


We would like to be scheduled in homes for our main meal. We believe we can best get to know some of the people this way.We have no food allergies or restrictions of any kind.


We do not set a financial fee of any kind. Each meeting is a faith ministry. We prefer that a love-offering be given cheerfully to the GLORY OF GOD! The offering goes toward our regular monthly commitments and travel expenses. If your church’s usual policy is to provide separate travel expenses, it is appreciated. We do not ask for nor require churches to provide this.


Prayer is essential! Challenge your people to pray at least fifteen minutes a day for revival. Encourage them to pray specifically for lost relatives, friends, neighbors, fellow workers.


1. Encourage your people to commit themselves to attend all meetings.
2. Music should be provided by spiritual members of the church. This should be planned in advance. The Evangelist prefers to choose and lead his own invitation hymn.
3. Suggestion: The small church may find it helpful to invite area churches to provide special music throughout the week. This adds to the quality of the service and encourages attendance.


Well-trained, spiritual, stable personal workers should be ready to deal with those making decisions. Cards should be prepared to record pertinent information. SUGGESTION: A training class prior to the meetings could be advantageous for preparing personal workers. Let’s pray and expect these workers will be used.


Proper promotion creates enthusiasm and encourages attendance. You may download and use our family photograph on the main page for non-commercial use. Careful planning and promotion can make a difference in the quality of the meeting.


It is the opinion of this Evangelist that while the Scriptural message does not change, the methods employed from one area to another can be widely divergent. A philosophy that the “end justifies the means” is not scriptural, but “becoming all things to all men” is scriptural. Your church must exercise its liberty in evaluating the methods that will be most effective in your area.


1. A get-acquainted, carry-in supper on Saturday evening before the meetings begin is often beneficial. The Evangelist can briefly challenge folks for the meetings.
2. The Evangelist welcomes opportunities to preach at Christian schools, pastor’s fellowships, or other functions that may be scheduled during the week of meetings.
3. The evangelist’s wife is prepared for a variety of devotional opportunities with ladies. One specific seminar available is entitled, “Women: Called to Teach, Called to Learn: taken from Titus 2.
4. Giving gifts or rewards to those who bring visitors is entirely at the discretion of the individual church. There are many innovative ways to boost attendance. May the Lord lead you in your preparations.


We are fundamental, independent Baptist in doctrine and practice. We are against the use of Christian Rock Music (CCM). We only use the King James Version Bible in our preaching. We believe the local church is the Biblical avenue of all service and ministry.


1. Be friendly and concerned. Fill out information card (name, address)
2. Find out why the person has come for counsel.
3. Allow time for them to share their need as fully as they desire. Don't interrupt them or try to "put words into their mouth." Don't try to pump them for more than they want to share.
4. Areas for which to be prepared for counsel:
1) Salvation: Roman Road - Romans 3:23; 5:12; 6:23; 5:8; 10:9, 10:13;
Other Scripture: John 3:3, John 3:16, John 3:36, Jeremiah 17:9, Isaiah 53:5,6, Isaiah 64:6, Ephesians 2:8,9
2) Assurance, Security: John 5:24; 10:27-30; Philippians 1:6; Romans 8:37-39
3) Sin in the life of a believer: Psalm 51; 1 John 1:4-9
4) Discouragement, Worry: Phil. 4:4-7; 1 Peter 5:6,7
5) Loneliness, Fear: Hebrews 13:5,6; Psalm 34
6) Sorrow: 2 Corinthians 1:3,4; Psalm 23; loss of a Christian loved one - 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18
7) Bitterness, Critical Spirit: 1 Corinthians 13
8) Direction, Decision-making: Proverbs 3:5,6; Psalm 37:1-7
9) Anxiety: Psalm 37:1-7; Philippians 4:6,7

5. If you have an appropriate tract or booklet, give it to them.
6. Offer to contact them within the next week or if they would like to have the pastor visit them, make note of this on decision card.
7. Be sure to pray with them before you leave them. Encourage them to make their decision public - share it with the speaker, the pastor, family.
Never force people into making decisions. Allow the Holy Spirit to take the Word of God and work in people's lives. Be sure you are on "praying ground" before you enter the counseling room with anoth